Nathan Lang Photo
About a Row Boat
I've always enjoyed rowing a boat. The pull on the oars and the surge ahead as the hull responds, repetitive and mechanical yet somehow satisfying. And all these years, I wondered what it would be like to row an actual rowing shell, with a sliding seat and stuff.
Well, my friend and neighbour at Pender Harbour (Oyster Bay Boats insisted I take the canvas boat that had been lying around his place for a while, clean it up and get it on the water.
Rick built a frame for a new sliding seat, threw in a couple of oars, and we launched yesterday. Pitter patter....
You know how something happens, and you can't believe you waited so long to experience it, wishing you'd started a long time ago? Lots of folks my age are like that with road riding, absolutely in love with the road bike, and the pleasure of cycling. Others might learn an instrument, or take up painting.
It's been like that for me with rowing a shell. So smooth, so light and fast, and such a good way to move and work the body. There’s a rhythm and focus to it that’s a bit demanding and every now and then, when your brain gets distracted, you catch an oar and lose the rhythm. But when the pull on the oars and the sound of water rushing past the hull is your world, it's magic.
Went out this morning for a short work out, feeling a bit like a kid whose never been in a candy store. Amazed, focused, expectant, maybe even awed.
Thanks Rick. You’ve opened a door…
pretty good form here...